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Egy szem endorfin molekulát azért mutathatok / I show here is a molecule (met-enkephalin): 139th REAL TIME

2010. szeptember 27., hétfő


Rare Adolf Hitler paintings could fetch £150,000 at auction

A recently discovered collection of paintings by Adolf Hitler could fetch more than £150,000 when they are to sold at auction later this month, experts said.

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Hitler watercolour: Rare Adolf Hitler paintings could fetch £150,000 at auction
The paintings by Adolf Hitler will be sold at Mullocks auction house in Ludlow, ShropshirePhoto: Caters
The selection of watercolours were all painted around 1908 when the future leader of Nazi Germany was simply known as a struggling artist.
The paintings depict views across vast areas of farmland with a distant church spire on the road, village scenes and rows of factories.
Experts believe they could fetch more than £150,000 when they go under the hammer later this month.
The paintings have come to light after they were found within a large estate in Austria's north by an unnamed lawyer who bought the property.
Richard Westwood-Brookes, of Mullocks Auctions, said the Fuhrer would paint night landscapes for tourists to try and earn a living.
"His daily activity was to go out and paint - he was penniless," he said.
"He tried to get into an academy in Vienna to pursue a career as a professional artist but had two applications turned down.
"He simply wasn't good enough, particularly when drawing people the perspective was all wrong. There's been a lot of research done into the rejections and some have labelled it as a turning point in history."
He added: "If he'd been given a place in the academy the most we'd ever heard of Adolf Hitler would have been that he was a routine artist painting some nice landscapes.
"Researchers believe because he was rejected, it could have turned his mind into deep resentment and eventually into monster he became."
Mr Westwood-Brookes said that when the lawyer moved into the property the paintings were just sitting in a cupboard.
He said that due to many large well-known auction houses being Jewish owned, officials refuse to deal with any art involving Hitler.
"Across many countries in Europe such as France and Austria you can't sell them by law as they believe it's glorifying Nazis," he said.
"Ebay in those countries won't accept anything to do with him, so they have to be sold outside the countries."
Also at the auction will be photographs of Margery Booth, one of many beautiful and talented opera singers chosen to perform before Hitler as part of the dictator's efforts to demonstrate the cultural superiority of the German nation.
The auction will take place at Ludlow Racecourse, Shrops, later this month on September 30.

Nagyszerű! Egy kicsit azért felnagyítottam a 

(Derék munka, engem különösen a pőre hokedli magányossága fogott meg a fény-árnyék mezsgyén. :D)

Több cseh modellezőboltban is árusítják néhány náci vezér, így Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himler vagy Reinhard Heydrich figuráját is. Barbie baba nagyságú szobrokrók van szó, pótegyenruhával és egyéb felszereléssel – hangzott el a Cseh Rádióban.
Az ilyen figurák árusítása sok országban akadályba ütközne a nácizmus propagálása miatt, mivel a náci uniformisba öltöztetett babák és egyéb figurák árusítását ott törvény tiltja. Csehországra ez nem vonatkozik. Ahhoz, hogy ez bűncselekménynek minősüljön, a figurákat náci propaganda céljával kellene árusítani.
A cseh üzletek tulajdonosai azzal védekeznek, hogy a figurákat egy háborús katonai készlettel együtt árusítják, amely a II. világháború jelentős személyiségeinek figuráit is tartalmazza, és nincs szó náci propagandáról.
Az egyik üzletvezető a rádiónak azt nyilatkozta, az eltelt hetven év bizonyítja, hogy a háború emlékei a történelemből kitörölhetetlenek, s egy készlet modellfigurájának árusítása nem szabadna, hogy tragikus erkölcsi kihágást jelentsen.
A szállító cég japán és orosz tisztek figuráit, de pl. Winston Churchil modelljét is forgalmazza. A csomagolásán ott van az adott személyiség rövid életrajza is.

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