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Egy szem endorfin molekulát azért mutathatok / I show here is a molecule (met-enkephalin): 139th REAL TIME

2010. augusztus 6., péntek


...and now, következzen valami egészen más!
Eric's written a... I've written a sketch:
"Nudge, nudge", Eric's written.

Nudge, nudge. Nudge, nudge.
Is your wife a... a goer, eh?
Know what I mean, know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge, nudge, nudge.
Know what I mean?
Say no more, know what I mean?
I beg your pardon?
Your wife... does she, uh...
Does she go, eh, eh, eh?
Know what I mean, know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge, say no more?
Well, she sometimes goes, yes.
I'll bet she does, I'll bet she does.
I'll bet she does.
Know what I mean, know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge?
I'm sorry...
I don't quite follow you.
Follow me, follow me!
I like that, that's good.
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh?
Are you trying to sell something?
Selling, selling, very good, very good.
Oh, wicked, wicked, you're wicked, eh?
Know what I mean, know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge?
Know what I mean, nudge, nudge?
Nudge, nudge?
Say no more!
Ah! ooh!
Your wife, is she, uh...
Is she a sport, eh?
Well, yes, she likes sport, yes.
I'll bet she does, I'll bet she does.
She's very fond of cricket.
As a matter of fact.
Who isn't, eh?
Know what I mean?
Likes games, likes games?
Knew she would, knew she would, knew she would.
She's been around, eh? been around.
She's traveled.
She's from Purley.
Oh, oh, say no more, say no more!
Say no more, Purley!
Say no more, Purley, eh?
Know what I mean, know what I mean?
Say no more.
Your wife interested in...Photographs, eh?
Know what I mean?
"Photographs?" he asked him knowingly.
Yes, nudge, nudge, snap, snap.
Grin, grin, wink, wink.
Say no more.
Holiday snaps?
Could be, could be taken on a holiday.
Could be, yes.
Swimming costumes, you know what I mean?
Candid photography, you know what I mean?
Nudge, nudge.
No, no, we don't have a camera.
Ah. Still... whoa! hey? Whoa! hey?
Look, are you insinuating something?
Oh, oh...
Well, I mean you are.
A man of the world, aren't you?
I mean, you've been there, haven't you?
I mean, you've been around, eh?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, like you've done it.
I mean, you know, you've slept with a lady.
What's it like?

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