Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") in wikipedia
Az endorfinról a wikipédián,( hiszen ez nem egy idegélettani szakblog)

Egy szem endorfin molekulát azért mutathatok / I show here is a molecule (met-enkephalin): 139th REAL TIME

2011. január 30., vasárnap


1933. január 30.

A Day That Shook The World: Hitler elected German Chancellor

Sunday, 30 January 2011

30th January 1933:  Soldier and statesman President Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (1847 - 1934) handing over the rule of Germany to the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945).
On 30 January 1933 Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany, heralding a reign of terror, the Holocaust and World War Two.
The Austrian-born leader of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP or ‘Nazi Party’), was to serve until his suicide in 1945.
Watch this British Pathé newsreel for film of the elections and the global response: [lásd a cikkben]

30th January 1933: Soldier and statesman President Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg (1847 - 1934) handing over the rule of Germany to the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945).

2011. január 29., szombat


Most meg a  mackók.  A helyükben én is embert, nyájat és mézet ennék. De a vadászok bizonyára akkor is lövöldöznének rám, ha áttérnék a full málnás étrendre. Ennivalóan buta  (al)fajta  még mustár nélkül is. Mert:

Újra engedélyezik a barnamedvék vadászatát Bulgáriában
MTI 2011. január 29., szombat 15:42
 Több mint két évtized óta először adott engedélyt Bulgária barnamedvék vadászatára.

A bolgár környezetvédelmi minisztérium 17 állat kilövését engedélyezte az idei évre. Becslések szerint 540-560 barnamedve él az ország hegységeiben, így a kvóta az állomány mintegy 3 százalékát teszi ki.

Az engedélyek közül hetet a Rodope hegység déli vonulatára, Szmoljan megyére adtak ki; tavaly nyáron itt végzett egy falusi lakossal egy medve. Hasonló végzetes kimenetelű balesetre évtizedek óta nem volt példa a balkáni országban.

A gyilkos incidens, valamint a nyájak és méhkaptárak elleni gyakori medvetámadások nyomán a régióban egyre hevesebben követelték a medvék egy részének kilövését. A nyomásnak engedve a bolgár parlament 2010 végén engedélyezte az állomány 3-8 százalékának levadászását. A döntés végül - legalábbis az idei évre - az intervallum alsó határára esett.

Helyi környezetvédők azonnal elítélték a lépést, mondván, a parlament a vadászati lobbinak engedett, és csak látszólag próbálja visszaszorítani az orvvadászatot.

A barnamedve védett fajnak számít Bulgáriában, vadászata több mint két évtizeden át szigorúan tilos volt, kizárólag balesetek esetén, eseti engedéllyel lehetett kilőni egy-egy példányt.

Az Európai Bizottság a napokban indított hivatalos eljárást Svédország ellen, mivel 2009-ben a skandináv állam parlamentje 1964 óta először újra engedélyezte az európai jog szerint védett farkasok vadászatát.

Róluk még:

Януари 27, 2011
Кафява мечка
Posted by Joro on 00:59

Някога кафявите мечки се срещали из почти цяла Евразия и Северна Америка,а на юг - и до Северна Африка и Мексико.Видът е представен с подвидовете: европейска кафява мечка,северноамериканска кафява мечка(гризли),кодиакска кафява мечка и хималайска кафява мечка.
Обикновено мечките се придвижват бавно на четири крака,но са способни рязко да преминат в бяг с висока скорост(около 50 км в час),когато нападат жертвата си.Те стъпват на цяло стъпало и са отлични катерачи по дърветата.Размерите им достигат до два и половина метра дължина и тегло от над 300 килограма.Средната продължителност на живот е около 25 години.
Кафявите мечки са най-разпространените мечки в света.Тези всеядни гиганти са самотни животни и рядко се събират на големи групи.
Мечките са изключително силни и на върха на хранителната верига ,но голяма част от менюто им включва плодове,листа и корени.Все пак ядат и други животни от малки гризачи до лосове.
Най-големият представител на кафявите мечки се нарича Кодиак и се среща в Британска Колумбия и Аляска.
Мечките са опасни за хората ако бъдат стреснати или помислят че има опасност за малките им.


2011. január 18., kedd


Hitler a templom ablakán (1941)

Stained Glass Resistance
Portrait of Hitler Discovered in French Church Window

Photo Gallery: 3 Photos

A stained glass window in a small church has caused a sensation in France. Unveiled in 1941, it depicts Adolf Hitler executing a saint who symbolizes the Jewish people. Local priests have praised the work as a brave act of resistance against the Nazi occupiers.

In the popular imagination, the French Resistance against the Nazi occupation of France is associated with heroic acts of guerrilla warfare, such as blowing up bridges or derailing trains. But in one small town near Paris, two artist brothers also resisted the occupation in their own quiet way -- with a politically charged stained-glass window.

Local historians in the town of Montgeron have rediscovered a stained-glass church window that criticizes the Nazi occupation by depicting Adolf Hitler as an executioner. The dictator is shown in the act of killing St. James, who was one of Jesus' 12 apostles.

Although Hitler's distinctive hairstyle can easily be recognized in the portrait, his trademark moustache has been left out. "The glassmakers hid it behind his arm, to avoid any trouble," local priest Dominique Guérin told the French newspaper Le Parisien.

Political Message

The church's stained-glass windows were unveiled in July 1941, during the Nazi occupation. Locals believe that the two artists, the Mauméjean brothers, deliberately depicted Hitler as the executioner of St. James, whom the church is named for, as an act of artistic and religious resistance.

Guérin's predecessor Gabriel Ferone told Le Parisien that the saint represents the Jewish people, as his name in Hebrew has the same etymology as Jacob, the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Stained-glass windows created by the brothers in other churches also mix political and religious messages, according to historian Renaud Arpin.

Authorities in the town are now hoping that the media attention will turn the church into a tourist attraction. Montgeron is only 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) from Paris and is easily reachable by train.


(A többi kép az eredeti cikkből elérhető.)

Egy kis Montgeron


Nazi-Looted Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot Painting 

to Be Sold by Sotheby's

LONDON.- On Wednesday, June 2, 2010, Sotheby’s London will offer for sale one of the finest figure paintings by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1875) ever to have appeared on the market. Estimated at £800,000-1,200,000, "Jeune femme à la fontaine" enjoyed an exceptional early provenance before it was requisitioned during the Nazi period. 

It has now been restituted to the heirs of its erstwhile owners and will be one of the centrepieces of Sotheby’s forthcoming sale of 19th Century Paintings. Jeune femme à la fontaine’s journey through history provides a story that is as compelling as those behind the restituted works by Gustav Klimt and Hendrick Goltzius recently sold at Sotheby’s.

The first owner was Ernst Hoschedé (d. 1891), an important early patron of Claude Monet, from whom he commissioned decorative panels for his residence just south of Paris, the Château de Rottembourg in Montgeron. Following financial difficulties, the Hoschedé family moved into a house in Vétheuil with Monet, his wife Camille and his children. Hoschedé’s wife, Alice, eventually married Monet following their respective spouses’ deaths.

The second owner was Charles Alluaud (1861-1949), scion of the family that had directed the porcelain factory in Limoges since the eighteenth century. During his childhood, he and his brother, Eugène, had received painting instruction from Corot himself and it is likely that this relationship led to Alluaud’s acquisition of the present work.

The next documented owner of Jeune femme à la fontaine is Eduard Ludwig Behrens, senior who was born in Hamburg in 1824 and had been one of the early directors of the city’s private banking firm of Levy Behrens & Söhne. He acquired the painting in 1889. Upon his death he bequeathed his large and important art collection to his son Eduard Ludwig Behrens, junior, who left it, in turn, to his son Georg.

In 1925, Georg lent the Behrens’ paintings collection to the city of Hamburg for a period of ten years. On the expiry of this agreement, Georg attempted to send the collection to the safety of Switzerland, but was informed on 1st April 1935 by the Nazi authorities that the present work and a number of other key works from the Behrens collection had been included on the Verzeichnis der national wertvollen Kunstwerke (list of works considered to be of national significance).

In May 1938, the Behrens banking firm was Aryanised and the following November Georg was arrested in Hamburg and then sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp where he was interned until the end of December. He then emigrated to Belgium in April 1939. In order to obtain his exit visa he had to pawn all of his possessions to the State. From Belgium he moved to France where, following the outbreak of the Second World War, he was interned in a camp in the south of France. In the autumn of 1940 he obtained a visa for Cuba where he finally found his freedom. After the war, Georg Eduard Behrens returned to Hamburg and died in that city in 1956, never having recovered the Corot.

In 1941 the painting surfaced under the auspices of Berlin art dealer H.W. Lange. Shortly thereafter, Lange purchased the work for the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo using money from a fund set up in 1941 by the Nazis. The purpose of the fund was to help the museum purchase new works for its collection after three of its paintings, by Lucas Cranach the Elder, Hans Baldung Grien and Barthel Bruyn the Elder, had been requisitioned for display in the Führermuseum in Linz. The fund was in effect a smokescreen to give the impression that this was an exchange rather than the confiscation it really was.

In 1998, in response to an initiative by the Netherlands Museum Association, the museum attempted to trace the origins of various works acquired during the period 1940-1948. Following considerable research conducted by the representatives of the heirs, it was confirmed that the original owner parted with the work involuntarily and, as a result, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science decreed that Jeune femme à la fontaine be returned to the heirs of Georg Eduard Behrens in 2008 after 66 years in the museum’s collection. Sotheby’s sale will allow collectors the opportunity to provide the next chapter in the painting’s history.

Jeune femme à la fontaine can be ranked among Corot’s finest figure paintings of the 1860s and 1870s. The classical pose and modelling of the figure evoke the iconic female figures of Renaissance masters Leonardo and Raphael. It was during and following trips to Italy in the 1820s, 1830s and 1840s that Corot was inspired to create his series of Italian peasant girls. While the present work was painted decades after these sojourns, it was certainly painted from the artist’s idealised memories of the Italian women he encountered, and is imbued with a melancholy and pensive intimacy.


Valaki Torontóból  kvarkokat  keresett nálam, pedig mindenütt ott vannak.
Ennek örömére álljon itt a teljes állatkert (már ahogyan ma gondolják tudósaink).



És igen, Hitler teherben...

Nazi Arty 
13. 01. 11. - 16:00

Oddball artist Ronald Manullang has painted Adolf Hitler as the Virgin Mary to punish him beyond the grave for his horrific war crimes.

The Indonesian painter created a series of bizarre images of Nazi Germany's leader that are meant to torture Hitler like he tortured his victims.

One shows him with a Jewish death camp tattoo on his wrist while others show him pregnant and semi-naked and then cradling the baby Jesus on his lap.

Others show him pregnant and as a women exposing her boobs.

"This is a terrifying, powerful man who has to breastfeed, sing lullabies and caress a baby who he really hates. This is a fitting punishment for his past sins," said Ronald of his series of paintings, titled Final Judgement

"Hitler committed a lot of sins. He killed many people but he was never punished. The main point of my art is to punish him," he added.

Austrian Times



2011. január 7., péntek


Minden kezdődik elölről, mindenből elkövetkezik ismét az első. Például:

MTI 2011. január 7., péntek 4:49
Kivégeztek egy férfit az Egyesült Államokban egy tizenhat évvel ezelőtti gyilkosság miatt; idén először hajtottak végre halálos ítéletet, ráadásul olyan méregkomponensű injekcióval, amelyet eddig általában csak menthetetlenül sérült vagy beteg állatok elaltatására használtak.
A 39 éves, afroamerikai Billy Don Alversont Oklahoma szövetségi állam büntetés-végrehajtási intézetében végezték ki, a halál beálltát helyi idő szerint csütörtök este, hat óra után néhány perccel állapították meg.
Billy Don Alversont azért végezték ki, mert tizenhat évvel ezelőtt négy társával együtt baseballütőkkel agyonvertek egy boltost. A támadók közül négyet halálra ítéltek, egy emberen tavalyelőtt már végre is hajtották az ítéletet.
Billy Don Alverson a második halálra ítélt az Egyesült Államokban, aki pentobarbitalt tartalmazó injekciót kapott kivégzésekor. Az első ilyen eset tavaly decemberben történt. Az új keveréket amiatt alkalmazzák, mert az eddig használt méreginjekció kulcsfontosságú összetevőjéből súlyos hiány mutatkozik az Egyesült Államokban.

January 6, 2011 2:24 PMt

Okla. Inmate Billy Don Alverson to be First U.S. Execution in 2011

Posted by Naimah Jabali-Nash 

Okla. Inmate Billy Don Alverson to be First Person Executed in 2011
Billy Don Alverson (KWTV)
OKLAHOMA CITY (CBS/AP) Oklahoma death row inmate Billy Don Alverson is schedule to be executed Thursday evening for the beating death of a convenience store worker nearly 16 years ago, which would make him the first person to be put to death in the U.S. this year.
Alverson, 39, is one of four men who were convicted of first degree-murder and sentenced to die for the Feb. 26, 1995 murder of 30-year-old Richard Yost, the night store supervisor of a convenience store in Tulsa.
Prosecutors said Yost received 54 blows from a baseball bat and that all four men participated in the savage beating, although Alverson has said he never hit Yost. Yost's beaten body was found bound on the blood-soaked floor of the store's cooler.
Three of Alverson's co-defendants were also sentenced to death and one, 31-year-old Darwin Brown, was executed in January 2009.
The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board voted 3-2 in December to deny clemency for Alverson. If his execution moves forward as planned at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, it would be the first in the U.S. in 2011, according to Kenneth England, spokesman for the Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D.C.
Alverson would be the second inmate executed in Oklahoma with a combination of lethal drugs that includes a sedative commonly used to euthanize animals.
Department of Corrections spokesman Jerry Massie said Alverson requested a large pepperoni and Italian sausage pizza and a large Dr. Pepper as his last meal.

Lássuk tehát Oklahomát (innen):

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